Project 3 - Type/Meaning
For our third project we had to choose 6 words from a list. Then, using only 2 colors and the word itself, describe that word.
I chose the words:
and Trust.
For Ambition I wanted to express the strong emotion when someone is ambitious about something. I think the two shades of red and the bulb font helps express that.
Anxiety I believe is the strongest off the six. When I have anxiety I feel crammed and nothing seems to be going right. So I made the word stretch outside the composition. I also distorted the letters, made some characters capital, and distorted the alignment to give that "everything is going wrong" feel. I chose yellow, because there are studies to help show that a lot of yellow causes stress.
Fear, I chose the color black and a dark red to help show darkness that comes from fear. I chose to repeat the word fear to show multiple fears that we have. Finally I had the skull fill in to represent one of the biggest fears, death.
Guilt, I position the word in the bottom right of the composition to represent feeling low when you feel guilty. I wanted a dark gray-blue to show the sadness and an ugly green/yellow color show you feel bad.  
Hope I chose orange and a white color to represent to comfort of hope. The shapes are to represent something hopeful, like a smile or wings to freedom. 
Trust is in a circle to show a trust circle. I wanted the same T to represent the first and last letter of the word, because when you trust someone you find them reliable to go back to them. Blue and Orange are used welcoming and warming colors.
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