"Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations." - MONTY PYTHON
"Surround yourself with positive people. Also, be a positive person. Root for People. Somebody else's success is not your failure."  - BILL BURR
My Name is Joel William Johnson I am a photography and graphics design hobbyist. I have been doing photography on the side for years. I love to take photos of nature and wildlife, particularly waterfalls. I find photography as a relaxing experience as well to go exploring when I can.  Aside from a few family and engagement photo sets, I really do not do photography as career. Though I have considered it as a retirement plan. 

Graphic design is still new to me. I have been working more and more with it these past few years. I took a class a few years ago to help improve color schemes and layouts for websites. I tend to use graphic design to express something going on in my life. Because of this, my graphic design work can be on the gloomier side. Some of my earlier work that I post is usually just practice.

I love taking pictures of waterfalls! This is one near Bonito Lake in New Mexico.

One of my personal favorite graphic designs. Before season 8 of Game of Thrones, we did a deadpool competition of the show at work. This was the logo I came up with for our game.

"You know, to be able to do something great in your life, you're gonna have to realize your failures. You're gonna have to embrace them and figure out how to overcome it." - DAVE CHAPPELLE
"No burden you carry will be compare to the weight of the world." - RYAN CLARK.
My career is in Information Technology. I have been working professionally in IT for 10 years now. I enjoy helping people with their computers and repairing them. I currently have a full-time job and two consulting jobs. I am also going to grad school for a Master’s in Information Technology. I expect to graduate in December 2023. Visit my linkedin page for more information on my IT background.
"Life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you." - MEL BROOKS
"I'm a happy person, and I want everybody else to be happy. Nothing wrong with that." - KENAN THOMPSON
"The world needs ridiculous films, because the world is ridiculous." - Taika Waititi
I love to laugh; I believe that laughing is healthy and one of the best stress reliefs for you. Comedy is also a tool I use to help me cope with life. Humor is a very powerful tool that make someone's horrible day feel so much better.
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